The Bible and Novelties
The Bible and Novelties
In the midst of the apostasy that afflicts the historical churches, the faithful Church is strengthened by the baptism with the Holy Spirit and by its faith in God’s Word, the Holy Bible. The faithful church believes in the complete and unmistaken inspiration of the Holy Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments, for they were inspired by the Holy Spirit (II Tim. 3:16) and, therefore, express the will of God for the life of the Church and each believer individually.
The faithful church understands that each and every fellowship among churches or among pastors should be based on the common faith in the biblical doctrines and in the common experience of the operation of the Holy Spirit. It understands, also, that the Bible contains every doctrine necessary for its edification. Every rule regarding faith (which the Church believes in) and practice (how the Church lives, serves and adores God) are found in the Holy Scriptures. The doctrines revealed in the Scriptures and in which the faithful Church always believed in refer to the Bible as the Word that was revealed by God, to the Trinity, to the Plan of Salvation, and to the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus.
In the prophetic moment we are living, the Lord God is leading the Church to constantly announce the Second Coming of Christ, and to practice the doctrines of the Church as the Body of Christ, of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, the Spiritual Gifts and the 5 Ministries mentioned in Ephesians 4:11. The practice of these doctrines are necessary for the Church to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus (John 10:16), so that it has power to preach the gospel (Acts 1:8) and so that the signs confirm this preaching (Mark 16:20).
In order to walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16) and live filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18), the Church needs only to believe and practice every doctrine taught in God’s Word (the Bible), above all in obedience to the Lord, hearing the voice of the Spirit and in sanctification, besides using the means of grace: meditation in the Word, fasting and prayer – including vigils and early dawns. The Church dos not need the doctrinarian innovations that came about in the last 50 years, especially after the beginning of the charismatic movement. Although this movement has been the result of a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, part of it lost the direction of the Spirit as it did not perceive the complete meaning of the Holy Scriptures as the only and sufficient source of faith and practice for the Church.
For the glory of God, however there are examples in several countries of Churches filled with the Spirit and that are walking in the Spirit, where the members are baptizes with the Holy Spirit and are seeking and practicing the spiritual gifts. These Churches that believe in the use of the spiritual gifts in the biblical way – to seek the direction of the Holy Spirit – do not accept innovations in the doctrines or practices.