Activities and Objectives
All activities in Maranatha Christian Church have the objective of promoting the edification of the Church of the Lord Jesus according to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments. Consequently, the Maranatha Church seeks to:
a) Promote the edification of its members, including children, adolescents, youth, adults and elderly, attempting to lead all of them to serve the Lord in some activity in the local church; |
b) Take care of the psychological, emotional and material needs of all of its members so that they lack nothing; |
c) Continually develop activities of evangelism, in services in the local churches as well as in special evangelistic meetings in large auditoriums or even sports indoor stadiums; |
d) Build facilities for services according to the need of the people of God; |
e) Announce that the Lord Jesus is alive in the midst of His faithful people and that soon He will return to rapture His Church; |
Maranatha Churches hold regular services in every local church and carry out activities to support the ones who are in material need, visits to the ill and elderly. Besides, Maranatha Churches develop continuous activities of evangelism and teaching for its members (even in Seminars and Meetings for workers, Sunday School teachers, youth, women).
These Seminars are organized to meet the needs of local churches not only in Brazil, but also in several other countries, such as Argentina, Chile, Canada, England, France, Italy, Israel, Japan, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Scotland, South Korea, and the United States.
Moreover, the Maranatha carries out an intense program of spiritual assistance to the churches and pastors of different denominations or federation of churches, with no cost for these entities, in order to transmit the experience of the Church throughout these almost 40 years is transmitted with the use of the spiritual gifts and evangelism followed by signs.
Within this assistance, in the last 5 years Maranatha has organized Seminars in several countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East, such as Armenia, Belarus, Finland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.