
Organization of the Church

Maranatha Christian Church is directed, nationally, by an Executive Committee, made up of about 16 pastors who make decisions in the presence of the Lord. Administratively, the Church is divided in Regions, Areas and Sections. Each Region has a Regional Presbytery, supervised by a Coordinator and made up of a group of more experienced pastors. Each Region is integrated by a group of Areas. Each Area is made up of a group of Sections. Each Area has a Supervisor that meets with the more experienced Pastors in his Area to make decisions in his level of action. Each Section is made up by all the Pastors in the Section.

In every meeting of the Executive Committee, Region, Area and Section, the Lord has the possibility of manifesting himself. More than this – the pastors expect the counsel of the Lord in order to make any kind of decision they consider relevant. This has been the secret of the prosperity of the Church. All the pastors are unanimous in stating that the best decisions are always the ones based on an advice from the Lord.